Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Blog 18: Third Answer

What is the most efficient way to transform your small business into a franchise?

Answer 3:
The most efficient way to transform your small business into a franchise, is being able to adapt and listen to recommendations and commendations.

  • Being able to adapt and hire experts for certain fields and asking mentors.
    • You're not going to know everything there is about your business having go to people who do helps tremendously.
  • Listening to recommendation and commendations
    • Being able to listen to recommendations and commendations and being able to perform from your high and lows can never hurt.
  • Do your homework
    • Franchising is a big step and you just shouldn't try it alone especially if you don't know you're business entirely your have options use them wisely. 
    1. "Turning Your Successful Business into a Franchise." Franchises. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Mar. 2014.
    2. "How to Build Better Business Relationships BY Darren Dahl." N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Mar. 2014.
    3. "Flexibility in Business…." Bosco Anthony Business Growth Strategist RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Mar. 2014.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Blog 17: Interview 4


20 Questions

1.) Have you ever thought of expanding your business?
2.) If, so are you on tract into expanding your business or are you doing so?
3.) If you are indeed going to expand your business or already in the process of doing so, will you be expanding your business shop size or product size?
4.) Where do you plan on opening your business?
5.) Why in that area?
6.) When you first started your business did you think it out or rushed into it?
7.) How did you think it out?
8.) How long have you had your business for?
9.) How long did it take for you to start making profits?
10.) Was it worth your wait?
11.) Thinking back on how you got to this point is there anything you would change?
12.) Looking at your business from now do you think it's headed in the right direction?
13.) Is there anything you would immediately change about your business?
14.) Do you like your own business?
15.) When asking customers how they heard of you, what are some typical answers?
16.) If most of those answers are of them hearing from a friend do you think you have great, good, or bad customer service?
17.) How did you start your business off?
18.) What gave you the inspiration to start your business?
19.) Have you had troubles within your business?
20.) If so, who helped you power through these problems?